
How to Get Rid of My AI on Snapchat? Step-by-Step Solution


Ever feel like it’s time to Get Rid of My AI on Snapchat? It can be a fun novelty at first, this handy tool for answering questions, playing games, and even whipping up silly stories on demand. But for some users, My AI’s constant presence becomes intrusive or simply unnecessary.

If you’re looking to declutter your Snapchat experience, there are ways to deal with My AI, depending on whether you have a Snapchat+ subscription. Here’s a breakdown of the options, along with some pros and cons to consider, to help you decide the best course of action.

How to Get Rid of My AI on Snapchat as A Snapchat+ User: The Clean Break (or Temporary Snooze)



  • Complete Removal: With Snapchat+, you can banish My AI entirely from your chat feed. This offers a clean slate and frees up valuable space for chats with actual human friends.
  • Peace and Quiet: No more random notifications or suggestions from My AI. You control when and how you interact with Snapchat’s AI features.


  • Loss of Convenience: My AI can be a handy tool for quick entertainment or basic information retrieval. Removing it entirely means missing out on those functionalities.
  • Future Updates: Snapchat might introduce new and improved features for My AI in the future. By removing it, you might miss out on these advancements.

Steps to Get Rid of My AI on Snapchat with Snapchat Plus:

  1. Slide on Over to Chat: Open the Snapchat app and swipe right from the camera screen to access your chat window.
  2. Long Press to Access Options: Find the My AI chat and tap and hold on it. This will reveal a menu with various options.
  3. Dive into Chat Settings: From the menu, select “Chat Settings.”
  4. Hit the Goodbye Button: Finally, tap on “Clear from Chat Feed.” This will remove My AI from your chat list entirely.

How to Get Rid of My AI on Snapchat as A Free Snapchat User: Out of Sight, Out of Mind (or a Temporary Truce)



  • Regain Control: Hiding My AI from your chat feed gives you back some control over your Snapchat experience. You can choose to ignore it entirely or occasionally re-engage when you’re in the mood for some AI-powered fun.
  • No Subscription Required: This method works for all Snapchat users, regardless of whether you have a subscription or not.


  • Not a True Goodbye: While hidden, My AI is still technically there, taking up some space in the background.
  • Temptation to Peek: Even though it’s hidden, you might still be tempted to check in on My AI from time to time, potentially disrupting your decluttering efforts.

Steps to Get Rid of My AI on Snapchat Without Snapchat Plus:

  1. Target My AI: Open the Snapchat app and navigate to your chat with My AI.
  2. Tap the Three Dots: Locate the three dots in the top right corner of the chat window and tap on them.
  3. Chat Settings Await: Just like with Snapchat+, you’ll see a menu with options. Select “Chat Settings” from this menu.
  4. Make it Disappear: Within the Chat Settings, tap on “Clear from Chat Feed.” While My AI won’t be completely gone, it will no longer clutter your chat list.

Bonus Tip: Clear the Conversation History (Optional)

Whether you’re a free user or a Snapchat+ subscriber, you can also choose to clear your conversation history with My AI. This will erase any past interactions you’ve had with it. Here’s how to do this for both versions:

  1. Head to Your Profile: Tap on your profile icon in the top left corner of the Snapchat screen.
  2. Settings Beckon: Locate the gear icon in the top right corner and tap on it to access your settings.
  3. Privacy Controls Await: Scroll down in the settings menu and tap on “Privacy Controls.”
  4. Clear the Slate: Within Privacy Controls, select “Clear Data.” Here, you’ll see an option for “Clear My AI Data.” Tap on that to erase your conversation history.

By following these steps, you can take control of your Snapchat experience and decide whether or not your AI companion stays or takes a temporary break.

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